Surname | Given | Middle | Cause | Monthly Rate | Certificate No. | Original Date | Post Office | County |
AKERS | Jno | M. | chr.diarre. | $4.00 | 193491 | July 1881 | Traverse City | Grand Traverse |
ALBRIGHT | Alonzo | | fract. and dislocation at ankle | $14.00 | 73334 | | Summit City | Grand Traverse |
AMBLER | Lucy | | widow | $8.00 | 89711 | | Traverse City | Grand Traverse |
ANDERSON | Jacob | M. | w.l.hip | $3.00 | 145141 | | Fife Lake | Grand Traverse |
ASTLING | Jno. | | w.r.foot | $6.00 | 213705 | June 1882 | Bartlett | Grand Traverse |
BARNUM | Cornelia | C. | dep.mother | $8.00 | 56268 | Sept. 1866 | Fife Lake | Grand Traverse |
BEACH | Harriet | | widow | $8.00 | 89463 | Jan. 1867 | Paradise | Grand Traverse |
BONDNAN | narcisse | | g.s.w.l.thigh | $2.00 | 177519 | Oct. 1880 | Fife Lake | Grand Traverse |
BOYNTON | Albert | l. | w.r.thigh | $6.00 | 64846 | June 1866 | Fife Lake | Grand Traverse |
BRIZZIE | Levi | P. | wd.l.thigh | $4.00 | 75727 | | Fife Lake | Grand Traverse |
BROOKS | Catherine | | widow 1812 | $8.00 | 31728 | May 1881 | Mapleton | Grand Traverse |
CARPENTER | Chas. | | w.r.arm and elbow joint | $4.00 | 124832 | | Fife Lake | Grand Traverse |
CARPENTER | Theron | E. | w.r.shlr. | $2.00 | 206590 | Apr. 1882 | Williamsburg | Grand Traverse |
CHESSHIR | Zipporah | | widow | $8.00 | 35237 | | Fife Lake | Grand Traverse |
CLARK | Arista | O. | w.through hips res.stricture of rectum par.paralysis | $12.00 | 122742 | | Fife Lake | Grand Traverse |
CLARK | John | | wd.spine | $8.00 | 54098 | | Fife Lake | Grand Traverse |
CLARK | Mahala | | dep.mother | $8.00 | 161078 | Feb. 1873 | Fife Lake | Grand Traverse |
CLEVELAND | Lyndon | K. | dis.of lungs | $4.00 | 214180 | June 1882 | Traverse City | Grand Traverse |
COLE | Chas. | | | $18.00 | 45570 | | Traverse City | Grand Traverse |
DAVIDSON | James | A. | ch.diarre. | $4.00 | 205230 | Mar. 1882 | Summit City | Grand Traverse |
DEMISTON | Wm. | F. | father | $8.00 | 156283 | | Mayfield | Grand Traverse |
DEYAE | William | | ch.diarre. | $6.00 | 207695 | Apr. 1882 | Paradise | Grand Traverse |
EIMAN | JosephB. | | wd.r.shr. | $4.00 | 78583 | | Old Mission | Grand Traverse |
ETHERIDGE | Dexter | | chr.diarr. and debility | $4.00 | 214732 | June 1882 | Fife Lake | Grand Traverse |
FEIGER | Philip | | w.r.forearm | $6.00 | 115051 | | Traverse City | Grand Traverse |
FLAGG | Jas. | M. | w.of back and neck | $2.00 | 151221 | Feb. 1878 | Fife Lake | Grand Traverse |
FOLLETT | Jas. | I. | chr.diarre. and resulting dis.of abdominal viscera | $4.00 | 215926 | July 1882 | Williamsburg | Grand Traverse |
FOWLER | Curtis | Jr. | | $4.00 | 133534 | | Mapleton | Grand Traverse |
FRAZER | Carley | H. | injury to abdomen | $18.00 | 137101 | Dec. 1875 | Hannah | Grand Traverse |
GLENDENING | Mathew | | w.l.thigh | $4.00 | 151169 | Feb. 1878 | Williamsburg | Grand Traverse |
GRAY | Mary Emeline | | widow | $8.00 | 2811 | | Traverse City | Grand Traverse |
HARRIS | Milford | B. | | $18.00 | 35752 | | Traverse City | Grand Traverse |
HAST | Philip | | dis.eyes | $8.00 | 139685 | | Acme | Grand Traverse |
HAYWOOD | Thomas | | dis.of lungs | $18.00 | 30786 | | Traverse City | Grand Traverse |
HIGLEY | Geo. | D. | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | 160390 | June 1879 | Fife Lake | Grand Traverse |
HODGEMAN | Sam'l | C. | | $4.00 | 127808 | | Traverse City | Grand Traverse |
HOPPER | Francis | | | $8.00 | 131078 | | Acme | Grand Traverse |
HORTON | Jesse | M. | | $4.00 | 38641 | | Mayfield | Grand Traverse |
JACKSON | Almira | A. | widow | $8.00 | 70490 | | Traverse City | Grand Traverse |
JENNE | loretta | A. | dis.of abdominal viscera | $6.00 | 177478 | Oct. 1880 | Cedar Run | Grand Traverse |
JENNINGS | morris | B. | | $6.00 | 127143 | | Monroe Centre | Grand Traverse |
JOHNSON | Mahala | | widow | $8.00 | 48808 | | Monroe Centre | Grand Traverse |
KITCHEN | Geo. | | w.r.arm | $4.00 | 16790 | | Old Mission | Grand Traverse |
LACKEY | Deborah | | widow | $12.00 | 196255 | June 1882 | Acme | Grand Traverse |
LANCASTER | Jas. | B. | w.r.forearm | $2.00 | 206190 | Apr. 1882 | Fife Lake | Grand Traverse |
LEARELL | Jno. | | | $8.00 | 127256 | | Summit City | Grand Traverse |
MACK | Emily | | widow 1812 | $8.00 | 18796 | Feb. 1879 | Paradise | Grand Traverse |
MARRIGOLD | Frances | | child | $12.00 | 177759 | June 1877 | Summit City | Grand Traverse |
MARSH | Spencer | | wd.lft.arm | $10.00 | 36668 | | Traverse City | Grand Traverse |
MCMICHAEL | Mark | | w.r.shr. | $14.00 | 43516 | | Traverse City | Grand Traverse |